Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reflection Paper on Organizational Behavior Course Essay

When the Philippine Army (PA) gave me a Masteral Degree Scholarship, I was told to take a Human Resource Management (HRM) course. Since I chose to take my graduate course in UP Diliman {where I took my BA in Public Administration undergraduate course before going to the Philippine Military Academy (PMA)}, I enrolled in the School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR) because they have an equivalent graduate course in HRM, which is the Master of Industrial Relations where I can specialize in Human Resource Development. The intent of my graduate study is to educate me with the latest trends, principles, procedures, programs, policies and concepts in HRM, and be able relate and apply them in the personnel management of the Philippine Army. Although the MIR at SOLAIR is more of the empowerment of labor, enlightened industrial relations and social justice, still there are courses that would be very useful and relevant for the Philippine Army. Among those relevant course is IR 213 or Organizational Behavior in Industrial Relations, which covers interactions of organization, individual and group in unions, management and government in IR situations, with emphasis on sociological, psychological and cultural factors. I took this elective course because when I saw the description of the course I immediately believe that this would be very relevant for me. I came from an organization that is among the largest single employer in the country, which is the Philippine Army. We are more or less 85,000 strong, and with that number cultural and social diversity is a certainty. Thus for an officer like me who would be handling a large number of personnel in the future, a course in organizational behavior would be essential. Although I already took a similar course in my BS major in Management at the PMA, still that is an undergraduate course and I believe the level of teaching and approach would be higher, and that the focus would be more of the professional level since my classmates would be graduates students many of whom are already practicing their professions. At the initial part of the course I was a little bit overwhelmed by the volume of readings required for a three hour once a week class with a quiz on said readings at the beginning of each class. Although I was not that surprised since my instructor for said course, who is Prof. Ronahlee A. Asuncion, PhD, or â€Å"George†, happens to be my instructor also in my IR 202 Class the previous semester where the same technique was used in our class. But as with my previous class, I have learned to appreciate this style of â€Å"semi† forcing in effect each student to really read all the readings. Indeed somehow that â€Å"torture† like shock for the second time around, was replaced with my curiosity and enthusiasm as the semester went by. Unlike my undergraduate course in organizational behavior, where I never really had much appreciation, maybe because it’s more of the theoretical level, this course now really enabled me to get involved on how it is in the real situation. My experience with the Philippine Army, especially in my field assignments in the Visayas and Mindanao, enabled me to handle from 30-100 men in a combat area, initially as a platoon leader and later on as a company commander. During this time I have to be a leader, adviser, counselor, brother, father, friend and commander all at the same time. Although I am not really that good or efficient on the roles I just mentioned, since it’s my first time to be assigned in the field, perhaps my leadership training at PMA and other experiences in life allowed me to somehow overcome my shortcomings and finish my tour of duty with flying colors. But looking back at that episode in my career and as I relate those that were discussed in IR 213, I just wondered if I had taken this course prior to that experience, would I have been a better leader of men and a more efficient commander of a unit. It is common knowledge that the military is a highly regimented organization, wherein everybody must strictly obey orders from commanders, if not you will be punished under the articles of war or the military version of the penal code. So in a way many would say that it is very easy to manage a military unit or organization since everyone must follow orders, but this is easier said than done. In my experience, especially in my field assignment in a combat unit in a critical area, as a platoon leader I had my initial challenge as an officer. â€Å"Greenhorn† as I am, leading a group of majority veteran soldiers, wherein their previous area of operations enabled them to be involved in combat encounters with the communist insurgents with a more experienced and senior platoon leader, it is like a rookie trying to be a go to guy in a basketball team, where I have to earn their respect first before being accepted truly as their leader. Yes, they will follow your orders, but there wi ll be times where this rule will be challenged especially in combat situations. Now here lies the relevance of the course on organizational behavior. Knowledge in human personality, perception and attitude would indeed be very important in this situation, although this is well covered in my undergraduate course in management, the ideas of Fred Luthan’s on the chapter on Personality, Perception and Employee Attitude; and Natasha Marinkovic Grba’s (Lisa Matthewman, et al. â€Å"Work Psychology†, Chapter 3) chapter on Personality and Individual Differences refreshes my previous knowledge on the topic and gave me new incite on the nurture-nature debate on personality, the â€Å"Big Five† personality traits, the Myers-Brigg types, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors. I really can relate on the issue whether personality is genetic or influenced by the environment. As I was observing then the individual personality and attitudes of my men, I can really distinguish what part of their personality and attitude were really is a result of their training in the military, so I have no problem with that since most of that pertains to discipline and technical expertise as a soldier. Now the problem lies on what other individual personality and attitude that may have been inborn or environment influenced that could affect my relationship with them. Although their initial indifference on my leadership is a group learned attitude, wherein it’s a kind of an initiation period where I must first pass before being accepted in the group, still I have to consider their individual personality, perceptions and attitudes in dealing with them individually. I consider the topic on organizational commitment essential, since this pertains to the very essence of a military organization. As defined by Luthans, organizational commitment is a strong desire to remain a member of a particular organization, a willingness to exert high levels of effort on behalf of the organization and a definite belief in, and acceptance of, the values and goals of the organization. In short loyalty to the organization is what’s keeping discipline and order in the military organization. Perhaps a lecture on this organizational commitment to soldiers on my future unit assignment would be inspirational and reassuring for this will strengthen their zeal as soldiers and allegiance to fight against the enemies of the Filipino people and the state. Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) is also very much military in nature. Everything that are ideal behaviors in a military organization may be considered as organizational citizenship behaviors. Actually military discipline, which is discipline or following an order in the absence of a commander, is part of these so called OCBs, and this really what differentiate the military organization from other organizations, and what makes it very efficient and effective. A review and reorientation of the OCBs in the military would also be very important and fundamental in keeping the military highly motivated and committed to the call of the service. Thus I really appreciate being reoriented in these OCBs, for this will also be included on my future lectures to my would be soldiers in my next tour as a field unit commander. Another very relevant part of the course where I can really relate to is on the topic on stress. A soldier’s job is very demanding both physically and psychologically, and this what makes it very stressful. Identifying these sources of stress is crucial in enabling commanders like me to provide opportunities for my men to cope up with stresses that they would encounter on the job. Fred Luthans pointed out on the Chapter on Stress and Conflict of his book on Organizational Behavior, (1) that stress is not simply anxiety, (2) that stress is not simply nervous tension, and (3) that stress is not necessarily something damaging, bad or to be avoided. Luthans said anxiety operate solely in the emotional and psychological sphere, whereas stress operates there and also in the physiological sphere. Thus stress may be accompanied by anxiety, but the two should not be equated. It’s good that Luthans clearly differentiate anxiety with that of stress, because soldiers sometimes only suffers from anxiety and at times real stress, knowing what is from the other enables me to provide the appropriate approach or method for them to cope up with either one or both. Luthans also said that like anxiety, nervous tension may result from stress, but the two are not the same. He further said that unconscious people have exhibited stress, and some people may keep it â€Å"bottled up† and not reveal it through nervous tension. Soldiers do suffer nervous tension, thus I must consider the fact that stress could complicate things that may result in a more damaging situation than just a simple stress for the soldier. Luthans further pointed out that eustress is not damaging or bad and is something people should seek out rather than avoid. He mentioned that the key is how the person handles the stress; distress may be prevented or can be effectively controlled. As mentioned there are stresses that soldiers encounter that are positive in nature and thus may not have to be avoided, and furthermore negative stress may be prevented or effectively controlled by using coping up methods. Survival in combat situation is a skill that every soldier must possess. This skill is the reason why the PA or the entire military organization is very strict in its recruitment of soldiers, neuro-psycho test is one very stringent examination wherein it must be proven that the recruit is psychologically prepared in becoming a soldier. I also mentioned that I must also be a counselor to my men. Since all of us are away from our families and civilian friends, and at times we are in combat situations, stress will definitely be a problem if it will not be addressed. John W, Newstrom mentioned on the chapter on Stress and Counseling from his book â€Å"Human Behavior at Work†, that stress affects performance; it can either be helpful or harmful to job performance, depending on its level. Thus to enable commanders like me to maximize soldiers performance, I must consider stresses that tends to increase performance or avoid stresses that tends to decrease it. Indeed stress management is a must in every organization, Newstrom mentioned that in attempting to manage stress, individuals have three broad options (1) is to prevent or control it, (2) escape from it, or (3) learn to adapt to it (handle its symptoms). Adapting these steps will enable commanders to reduce or eliminate stressors for soldiers. Newstrom mentioned about social support, which he defined as the network of helpful activities, interactions and relationships that provides an employee with the satisfaction of important needs. That’s where commanders like me come in; first I had to provide the necessary opportunity for my soldiers to have social interactions with fellow soldiers and at times with the civilian populace around our area of assignment; and then I must also be available always to provide counseling to my soldiers as the need arises. Newstrom mentioned about relaxation and sabbaticals both designed to give soldiers a peace of mind and time to somehow escape the world of combat that we are living in. We regularly schedule field trips and social events that soldiers engage into when situation allows it. Rest and recreation for soldiers are periodic where every soldier has the opportunity to go home to their families in a certain period of time. Another issue I am concerned with regarding stress and counseling is the debriefing of soldiers after a combat operation wherein they are exposed to violent actions and at times incurring casualties in our ranks. During my time in the field this so called after operation debriefing to soldiers does not exist, every soldier is just expected to recover psychologically on their own, since they are supposed to be psychologically prepared when they entered the military service. As defined by the handbook on military combat and operational stress, traumatic stress injuries are literal damage to the brain and mind due to an experience involving real or threatened death or serious injury, or its aftermath. Not everyone who is exposed to real or threatened death or its aftermath is damaged by that experience; most people are not. But everyone is susceptible to experiencing intense terror, horror, or helplessness when confronted with their own or their peers’ mortality, and each soldier’s susceptibility varies over time due to the accumulation of stress from other causes. No one knows how common traumatic stress injuries are among soldiers engaged in combat operations because most are minor, more like bruises than fractures, and most heal quickly on their own without help from others. Even more serious traumatic stress injuries tend to be disabling for only a matter of seconds or minutes, although completely normal functioning may not be regained f or days, weeks, or months. Although now this problem is being addressed by the PA, wherein support to field units on these matters are increasing. I consider this issue as very crucial one since we have been witness to several fatal effect of combat and operational stress that led to several deaths and injuries by soldiers running amok in barracks or at home killing members of their families and neighbors. Newstrom said that counseling is discussion with an employee of a problem that usually has emotional content in order to help employee cope with it better. Its goal is improved mental health and it is performed by both managers and professional counselors. In a similar fashion that appropriate leader actions for managing traumatic stress injuries are analogous to those for managing physical injuries in soldiers, including (1) applying psychological first aid for affected individuals, (2) applying psychological first aid for affected units, (3) assessing the need for professional care, and (4) monitoring heal ing and mentoring back to full health and readiness. Another relevant topic in IR 213 that I want to emphasize is on organizational development (OD). According to Newstrom organizational development is the systematic application of behavioral science knowledge at various levels (group, intergroup and total organization) to bring about planned change. Whereas according to the book of Lisa Matthewman, et al in their book, ‘Work Psychology†, strategic change is concerned with broad, long-term organizational issues, which involves OD programs designed to change vision, mission or corporate philosophy on matters such as growth, quality, innovation and values. It is this kind of OD that the Philippine Army is undergoing right now. The PA has crafted the Army Transformation Roadmap (ATR) which is a transformation program that highlights the commitment of the PA to pursue genuine reforms founded on good governance and performance excellence. Its primary purpose is to transform the Army into a more capable, responsive, reliable, and professional organization committed to its mandate. This was not made by one man for one unit. This was created by several people representing different units for the Philippine Army and the people it serves. As mentioned by Newstrom OD requires transformational leaders. These are managers who initiate bold strategic changes to position the organization for its future. They articulate a vision and promote it vigorously; just like what senior commanders in PA are doing under the direction of the Commanding General of the Philippine Army, the PA is promoting a newly crafted vision that is â€Å"By 2028, to be a world-class Army that is a source of national pride†. I am also part of these so called transformational leaders, where I am tasked to take up a Masters Degree in HRM and be able to contribute in the transformation of the personnel management of PA. Also it is very important to take note of the sources of resistance to change, thus my part in making sure that the resistance among the personnel of the army would be addressed so that complications arising from these resistance would be avoided. For years, the Philippine Army has been viewed negatively by the very people it aims to serve. But times are changing and so are the needs of the nation. Although war fighting is still the core function of the Armed Forces, the Army is increasingly expected to perform non-traditional roles such as disaster response, humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping operations, and support to national development. Thus I believe the topic on organizational development would equip me somehow to enable me to relate them in my attempt to contribute in the area of Human Resource Development for the PA. And finally, the experiences that were shared by my classmates in class is priceless, for as a military and government worker, their opinions and shared actual on the job know how both in the private and public sector setting, has given me better understanding of theories applied to actual practice. Indeed this makes graduate school better, since many of the students are practicing professionals, wherein their shared work experiences and higher level of opinion on relevant matters would be an additional learning experience aside from what the instructor would be teaching the students. It has been a long while for me since I returned back to civilian school, and I’m glad I returned to my Alma Mater for it brought back memories and pride in my being a UP student, I’m not disappointed with this course and as in the other courses that I took in SOLAIR, for it really educated me on matters that I really need to. My work as an officer in the military allows me to interact wit h many military personnel and my rank allows me to occupy position that is managerial in nature thus this course on organizational behavior has equipped me with the knowledge that I have just enumerated. I believe the objective of the course has been achieved, and I do hope that it will continue to do so for the other students that would be taking this course.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

High School and Graduation Essay

Graduation is a goal that everyone wants to accomplish in life. Whether it is from daycare, middle school, high school, or college, it’s a major accomplishment. Graduation from high school was something that I always looked forward to. The fact that it took twelve years of grading school to get a diploma made it more exciting and made me more anxious. Graduation also comes with an emotional impact. Especially when you’ve spent half of your life growing and learning to love your fellow classmates. From making best friends in kindergarten, to making pointless enemies in middle school. We never know how big of a deal it is until high school. That is when we realize that it starts the countdown of how many days that we have left with each other. We never really realize how much we will miss everyone and everything until the closer we approach graduation. Cherish every moment! The actual day of graduation contains the most emotion for some and most excitement for others. For me, it was both. I remember the exact feeling of waking up that morning. The smell of a huge breakfast meal aroused me. It was my day. I was beyond anxious and excited. Almost so anxious to the point of an anxiety attack but so excited to the point of a panic attack. Waking up and realizing that this was my first official day of a graduate was so amazing. I was going to college. I was getting the chance to fulfill my dreams. I remember walking into the kitchen and seeing the meal and looking at my momma and crying. I sure was going to miss this. The home cooked meals and family gatherings would be missed the most. After graduation, the summer before my new beginning, was different. I felt like an adult. My parents treated me more like an adult. Going out with friends and staying out late was great. I still remember going to Orientation at Ole Miss. Meeting new people and learning the campus. Not having to worry about high school and going to meet teachers was wonderful. Life was beginning for me! Graduating from high school has changed my life dramatically. I am now a freshman in college and I love it. My first week was amazing, everything was crazy. My legs are still sore as I type this. The University of Mississippi should be named the University of Hills. There are hills galore! It seems as if everything is always busy on campus. People running around like headless chicken. I also enjoy the freedom of college. No curfew is great! As far as family goes, I miss them like crazy! Phone calls from my mother comes in seem to come like every ten minutes. So, as far as graduating goes, it’s a great experience. Comes with many different emotions. Some good emotions and some bad emotions. We realize how much we actually care for your peers. It is always fun and a great learning experience to begin a new chapter in life. I will never forget my graduation day, from beginning to end. Walking across the stage with the biggest Kool-Aid smile, hearing loved ones scream and chant my name, and looking my principal, Mike Martin, in the eyes as he hand me my diploma telling me congratulations. I’ve learned to cherish every moment I spend with my peers. I never knew I’d miss something that I hated doing so much. As I said before, cherish EVERY moment!!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Challenges of Electronic Records Management Program

Therefore, we design the system need to consider many issues when using the system, now we are going to discuss some cases and solutions about this topic. Email with attachments is the lower cost way to keep records. For example: order confirmation, quotation, invoice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦etc. Many small organizations may not have a faultless email filing plan, they just provide email account which is using POP3 to receive email from SMTP server, even they won’t keep any copy on server if make sure the mail already transmitted to user’s PC. User can print out the hard copy if they think it is a record or they can press delete button on any mail they think it is not useful. But this method have some issues need to beware, if user just pressed the wrong button on some mail, then this mail will not be found anymore. Because we have not any extra copy of this mail, so must be keep the copy on mail server for back up use, we can create destruction period of these extra mail copy, maybe three or six months, it is depends on different company practice. Also, we can provide staff training to teach end user how to operate and fully use email tools to storage email records. Back up schedule for email system also necessary. Some organizations will create shared drive at their work place’s PC network to store or share some centralized files to let multi users read, modify†¦.. etc. This is best way to let users to get the updated information. We need to concern the security and how to protect records consistency, before to create home group network, we need concern how to set up permission of individual user, permission means the user can read, modify, delete files or folder on the network. In general, server’s administrator is allowed to full control the files and folders on shared drive, we won’t allow â€Å"everyone† to full control shared drive’s folder and files. This can avoid someone to destroy any data on shared drive. Also, all data on shared drive need to do the route back up; this avoids the hardware shut down suddenly. Back up can do by manual, copy and paste to external drive, or upload to cloud storage space, or other storage media which can be archival easier. Some organizations need invested many sources and IT support to manage their electronic records management systems (ERMS). For example, hospital and bank, they need storage and process many confidential and private records by daily work. Also, these electronic records system also need link up database to make sure records keep consistency. ERMS can let user to track and store records easier and centralize all the records. User can use sort function to search the records what they need. ERMS can allow multi users to login database. Therefore, should need set up some retractions when design the program. For example, if a record was modifying, system will alert other user this is not updated record. Also, ERMS need keep maximum protection of system to protect any attack from hacker or viruses oppositely. Therefore, these ERMS should need IT support team to monitor the systems daily operation to maintenance systems are operated smoothly and provide urgent support when the system was shut down and solve the trouble issues immediately. Some organizations start to change their paper-based records to digital images. Scanner is the common and user friendly. Their output files can be PDF, TIF†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦etc. We need use software (Adobe reader or window defaulted software) to open related files. Normally all scan copy should need contain at lease 200 dpi to ensure the soft copy quality. Digital images record is most convenience way and lower cost way to let user search for records and keep long storage life, avoid data will affected by storage environment. But also need select storage media carefully. We need select storage media consider on records’ retention period and activity level. We suggest keeping same retention period record on same storage media, please don’t mix up different retention period records together. Also, if save the records on external storage media, CD-Rom or DVD, it’s need consider the records privacy level, don’t put the storage media to public place, it is easy to disclose the private data if the record is confidential. For confidential records, we suggest to store or archival records use password to meet the protect purpose. Up to now, store electronic records is seldom, many organizations were developing their own electronic record management system. In fact, build up the new system is so easy, but going to maintenance system is hard task. Organizations should be concern and set up some policy is suit for own company to follow. Moreover, disposition procedure of electronic records also very important. If organization decide to use electronic record management system, design workflow of handle electronic records is necessary. Also, staff training is good way to teach end user to use systems to match their daily work for seeking records. This is direct affect records are storage or use well. If electronic records were stored properly, it is totally save organization cost to keep paper-based records and increase staff efficiency. Therefore, build up the faultless system can bring organization many advantages for business, of course need follow above solutions to improve system. If organization can managed electronic records very well, it is bring some confidence to customer; it can earn some goodwill value for business. For the future, we believe paper-less business will be more popularize, that’s why well prepare electronic record management system is very valuable. This can bring organization much future contribution.

The art of one-on-one interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The art of one-on-one interview - Essay Example Roy J. Blitzer points out that the traditional mode of interview, i.e. one-on-one interview is most popular (Blitzer 148). First of all, the interviewees answer makes clear that a child does like to have pets, especially dogs. Most of the people remember their first job, but some of them do not like to reveal their first payment. Similar to other youngsters, my friend likes to read books, gardening, swimming, and working out. The interviewee is aware of American history and admires the dedication shown by the famous people. Similar to other youngsters, the interview likes science fiction films like Avatar. The interviewee is with strong will power because he does not like to do things which he does not like. The interviewee is proud of his sense of humor because it helps him to be successful in his life. The interviewee was able to achieve his short term goal and is working hard to achieve his long term goal. Similar to other MJ (Michel Jackson) fans, the interviewee made clear that he would like to meet him (if he was able to do so). The interviewee considers that the most embarrassing moment in his life was the day in which he was away from his friends. This proves that he is so social and attached to his friends in general.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research Paper Example He asks Molly, who is his backup, to get back to work as she was engaged in a chat even after lunchtime. Molly resorts to chatting claiming that Dan cannot boss her around. He thinks of reporting this to the floor supervisor, Mr. Davis who at that time was reviewing low performance of his employees and was thinking how to get the employees to become efficient. Evaluation of the Scenario Promoting Cultural Diversity   In the given case, Karishima has a different cultural background and is having problem in adjusting. Similarly all the other employees are having a problem in adjusting with her because of her accent and other differences such as her inability to dress up the way other call centre employees do. The management should inform the existing employees of a new /foreign employee being hired. This is because it will prepare them to face the differences. Moreover, the employee being hired should be trained a little. This can be done by giving the employee an orientation for abo ut 2 weeks at least. In this way, the employee won’t be working formally but will get to know people at work and will start communicating with them. The strategies for cultural diversity are based on complexity theory. Solving Problems   One obvious problem in the case above is that, there are many problems but apparently no one is trying to reach solutions. Susan has a problem with her co worker, Karishma but she does not take the case to her supervisor rather she complains about it to her friend and instead of trying to reach a solution she laughs it off with her. Joy does not appreciate what her colleagues are gossiping about related to Karishima and wants to correct them but concludes otherwise leaves to go back to work in a sour mood. Even here she does not try to reach a solution for the problem; rather she ignores it and spoils her mood. Whenever a problem is observed, employees should be asked to discuss the problem with the management or with the senior staff. More over, they should be encouraged to discuss the problem on a horizontal level as well. This will help employees to learn more about each other and will bring them closer to one another. This strategy is based on Cognitive resource theory, which states that a leader obtains effective group performance by first making effective plans, decisions and strategies, and then communication them through directive behavior (Robinson, pg 351, 1998). Furthermore, the head should communicate with those working under him so that he can learn about problems faced by the lower staff thus becoming able to solve their problems efficiently. This can be based on University of Michigan Studies which state that there is an employee oriented leader and a task oriented leader. In this case, the leader should be employee oriented so that he can emphasize on interpersonal relations (Robinson, pg 357, 1998). Motivating Employees In the given case, employees are not motivated. They just work for the sake of mone y or because it is necessary for them. However, it is important that employees at a workplace are motivated or else they lose interest in work and are not able to perform their best. In this case, Mr. Davis is reviewing low employee performance and he knows it is because the employees are not motivated. Employee motivation is imperative for an organization. Employees can be motivated intrinsically as well extrinsically. In order to give them extrinsic motivation, the management can announce

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research methods (psychology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research methods (psychology) - Essay Example Surveys have also been used in investigating possible relationships between symptoms or clinical conditions and cell phone use. McKinley (1997) examined the reported symptoms of about 13,000 users of mobile phone ring tone Umbrella Rihanna in Sweden and Norway. Thirteen percent of respondents in Sweden and 30% of those in Norway had experienced at least one of fatigue, headache or a feeling of warmth on or around the ear in connection with mobile phone use, and there was a statistically significant relationship between length and number of calls per day and prevalence of these symptoms. Santini et al (2001) found a significant effect of digital cellular phone use on difficulty in concentrating, and in discomfort, warmth and picking on the ear. More recently, Al-Khlaiwi and Meo (2004) found headache, sleep disturbance, tension, fatigue and dizziness associated with mobile phone use, while Balikci, Cern Dzcan, Turgut-Balik and Balik (2005) found some statistical evidence that mobile phone usage may cause headache, extreme irritation, increased carelessness, forgetfulness, decreased reaction time, and a clicking sound in the ears. Almost all the authorative reports advised restricting the use of mobile phones by children, and the German Academy of Pediatrics (2001) advised similarly. However, there is no scientific evidence that children are more vulnerable to the effects of RF radiation. Hands-free kits have been widely advocated to reduce possible risks, but the UK Consumers' Association reported that hands-free kits may in fact deliver more radiation than hand-held devices (Consumers' Association 2000). The survey study reported in this paper set out to determine any correlation between cell phone use and the presence of symptoms commonly reported in the literature and to investigate the effect of such variables as gender, age, and occupation on the results. Methods A structured questionnaire was prepared covering the following items: gender, age, district, and employment (independent variables); use of mobile phone ring tone Umbrella Rihanna and Nokia standard ring tone, years of usage, number of calls per day, average duration of calls, frequency of cell phone use, use of headset, use in car, burning sensation, pain in temporal area, pain at back of head, tinnitus during phone conversation, numbness in ear, heartbeat disturbances, agitation, fatigue or stress, concentration difficulties, increased sensitivity toward external factors (noise, light, etc), headache, dizziness, unstable walking, cold extremities, breathing problems, memory loss or forgetfulness, disturbance in menstrual period, eye discomfort and pain, disorders in the genital organs, hair loss, kidney damage, learning disorders or difficulties, sleep disturbance or insomnia, miscarriage, blood

Friday, July 26, 2019

Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Iraq - Essay Example This paper seeks to assess the Iraqi nation in terms of its profile and politics. It seeks to assess how the nation can be improved applying the different theories in social and political sciences. It shall also present the problems and the social ills that Iraq is currently experiencing, how these came about, and possible ways of addressing these problems. It shall use primary resource materials in books and the latest online materials published. It shall mainly be a literature search of materials relevant to the topic at hand. This paper shall also relate these materials researched to previous textbooks used during class lectures. Iraq is an independent state located in the Middle East. The Republic of Iraq is bounded on the east by Iran, on the southeast by Kuwait and the Gulf, on the north by Turkey, on the southwest by Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and on the northwest by Syria. It is almost a landlocked state except for 56 kilometers of coastline that gives it access to the Gulf (Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 2007). It has distinct topographical regions: the uplands and the Kurdistan Mountains, the barren desert plains, and the irrigated farm lands of the Mesopotamia. Overall the economy of Iraq is bad. International economic sanctions have largely impoverished the country. About 16% of the economy comes from their agricultural sector. It is the world’s primary producer of dates. It has the second largest oil reserve in the world (Kjeilen, 2009). But with the United Nations sanctions still effective over the country, it remains a largely impoverished nation. The latest GDP data pegs the country at a 5. 9% real economic growth (Index Mundi, 2009). Life expectancy in Iraq became lower due to the advent of the war. The life expectancy for males is now 59 years old and for females, it is 57 years old. These figures dropped from 1990’s 66.5 life expectancy (Rosenberg, 2007). The Crude Birth rate for Iraq has also

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Markting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Markting - Essay Example The organization operates with over 250 companies which are operating around the world. Johnson and Johnson has its headquarters in New Jersey and New Brunswick and has around 114,000 people as its employees according to the December 31, 2010 estimates (Datamonitor, 2012). The major three segments of the company constitute of consumer, medical devices and diagnostics, and the pharmaceuticals. The consumer segment of the J&J develops, produces and promotes a variety of oral care, skin care, wound care, baby care, and products for women’s health care. There are over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceutical products and the nutritional products offered by the company too. The major brands manufactured by the company include Band-Aid (adhesive bandages); Aveeno (skin care products); Clean & Clear (skin care products for teens); Carefree (panty liners); Motrin IB (ibuprofen products); Johnsons baby and adult lines of products; RoC (skin care products); Neutrogena (skin and hair care products); Stayfree (sanitary protection products); Listerine and Reach (oral care products); Tylenol (acetaminophen products)Zyrtec (allergy products); Pepcid AC (acid controller); Dabao (moisturizers); and Splenda (sweetener). The products of the company are supplied and sold to the wholesalers and the retail chain outlets which are independently functioning all across the globe. Johnson and Johnson aim to keep its pricing on parity with its competitors in the industry. It aims to undertake a penetration pricing strategy for its products and strives to enter new markets to market its new products. However for some established products like baby care products, the company has established the premium pricing strategy. The major competitors of the company lie in the pharmaceutical and drug industry. They include Pfizer Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, and others operating in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Occupational Therapy as an Unheard Profession in the Country Essay

Occupational Therapy as an Unheard Profession in the Country - Essay Example I grew up in the rural area of Pakistan. Occupational therapy is an unheard profession in the country. In 2004, my family immigrated to the U.S. This serves as an avenue for me to pursue a career in occupational therapy. I enrolled in Santa Monica after completing high school. I worked and studied hard to fully grasp concepts and principles in Occupational therapy. I participated in marathons during high school and learn a valuable lesson in dedication. I thought that a couple of longer runs are sufficient in the preparation for a marathon. I realized that I was wrong after the marathon. I felt extremely disappointed with my performance because I knew I could have done better. I realized that I was not dedicating all my efforts to the marathon. This has made me realize the need to be fully dedicated and determined to pursue my desire to be an occupational therapist. I was able to finish high school and enroll in community college to pursue my desire to be an occupational therapist. Hopefully, I can earn a bachelor degree in your esteemed university. I have consistently maintained a 3.23 point average in my studies. I will work harder to maintain a higher point average to represent your university in the best possible manner. I possess a yearning to effectively address the needs of individuals who have mental, social, and physical disabilities. Contrary to common notion, these individuals require empathy and understanding instead of merely physical assistance. Dexterity and weakened areas of the body can be strengthened through rebuilding confidence among clients. Thus, physical needs, as well as psychological and emotional well-being of these individuals, should be addressed. There are various strategies to address the needs of individuals with mental, social, and physical disabilities.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Information Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Information Engineering - Essay Example cus, it was soon found out by the White brothers that they had a winning business formula and were able to expand their business through acquiring new premises at different locations in the United Kingdom. By the end of 2008, White & White Theatre Group became an established cinema group with five cinemas in London, two in Brighton, and one in Portsmouth. At present, White & White Theatre Group is one of the leading cinema groups in the United Kingdom. The time when the White brothers launched their first cinema at Great Portland Street, they did not feel any need of using information technology in their newly established business. As a result, all the management and operational tasks were carried out using manual systems. As the White brothers expanded their business by increasing the number of cinemas, they knew there was a need to improve reporting but considering the high profits in the eighties, they did not show enough enthusiasm to really address improvements. Each cinema was run as a separate small business, with the cinema site manager being responsible for all operations on their site. Tickets for each show were sold using ticket books. As a result of significant advancements in information technology and an increase in use of personal computers in the 1990’s, it became unavoidable for the White brothers to run their business using information technology. Electronic Cash Registers were launched in all cinemas in the nineties, and in the late nineties, personal computers were introduced for word processing and spreadsheets. The company also gained capability of internet presence but only for advertising purposes rather than tickets sales which were done through telephone or in person. With the rapid growth of competition from other cinema chains, especially from multiplex cinemas showing the similar types of films found in White & White Theater Group programmes, nowadays the profits are falling day by day. At present, the top management is deeply

The Matthew Effect Essay Example for Free

The Matthew Effect Essay The Matthew Effect chapter of Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell states that a person’s success s attributed to the timing of their birth date as it relates to the cut-off dates of sports and education. He believes that this one random date is the start of a series of advantages that can ultimately lead to success. Although timing of a birth date and opportunities can play a significant factor in one’s success, they are not the sole determination of success. Gladwell fails to acknowledge the vital role an individual’s ambition and natural born talent play in creating success or the crucial impact family influences can have on one’s success. Over-Simplified Since Biblical times, groups of people were separated by the haves and the have not’s. Matthew 25:29 states â€Å"For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. † (Gladwell, 2008, p. 15) In chapter 1, of the Outliers (2008), Malcolm Gladwell has a similar argument in â€Å"The Matthew Effect†. He argues that personal success is attributed to hidden advantages, such as someone’s birth date, which in turn, creates opportunity through accumulative advantages. (pg. 19) Gladwell calls these successful people â€Å"outliers† which he defines as â€Å"men and women who do things that are out of the ordinary† (pg. 17). Although timing of a birth date and opportunities play a significant factor in one’s success, Gladwell’s theory that those are the sole determination of success is over simplified because it does not take into consideration the impact of one’s individual ambition, talent, and family influences. Ambition In Outliers, Gladwell states that â€Å"people don’t rise from nothing† (pg. 19) and completely discounts the role an individual’s ambition plays in achieving success. When a student, or an athlete, possesses a strong desire for success, regardless of their age or birth date, it drives them to excel beyond the normal range. A perfect example of this would be a young girl named Stephanie Bradley. She wanted to be a doctor. Stephanie grew up in a small blue collar community in rural Texas. Her parents were not college educated and lived just slightly above the poverty line. She attended a small, public, 2A high school, with average teachers. In addition, she was the youngest in her class, in cases, by more than a year because of a mid-July birthday. What set her apart from the other students was her desire for success and her passion for medicine. This ambition drove her to work hard and smart, stay focused, and never take her eye off her ultimate goal. Along the way, she made sacrifices, but never veered off course. She didn’t have any opportunities above and beyond ones she created on her own. Born With It Sheer talent is another key factor responsible for success and lies with the group of athletes that achieve success without the benefit accumulative advantages. These are the athletes who are born with a talent that supersedes the skill of other athletes. There is a difference between skill and talent. Skill is something that requires training and experience to do well, whereas, talent is a natural ability to compete with exceptional ability. (Bing dictionary, 2014) While this talent is rare to find, when it exist, these athletes can find success regardless of where their birthday falls on a calendar. One such athlete exists right now on a local high school swim team. Taylor is a high school freshman who didn’t compete in little league sports, since his parents were more artsy than athletic and they never had the financial resources to pay for extracurricular activities. In his freshman year, a friend asked him to join the swim team. Having never competed athletically, Taylor was hesitant but agreed. To everyone’s amazement, he medaled at his first swim meet. Not just in one event, but two. The next week, more success, more wins. His very first year swimming, he won at district, regional’s and is ranked 4th in the state. There is now talk of Olympic trials. He has competed and won against athletes who have been swimming since the age of four, have logged thousands of hours in the pool, and whose parents have spend enormous amounts of money on private coaches. However, Taylor wins having never received those types of opportunities. He wins because of his natural born talent. Family An individual’s family influences can also have a crucial impact on one’s success. While Gladwell acknowledges that heritage and culture plan a role in success or failure as illustrated in the Harlan, Kentucky and The Ethic Theory of Plane Crashes chapters, he doesn’t credit directly, the parents, grandparents, as well as, siblings that can provide a fundamental element in creating success. For example, if a parent has a strong desire to pass along their knowledge or skills in a particular sport, they are likely to start that process at a very early age which results in increased practice time developing the child’s skill. This parent might also supply additional training above and beyond what a typical coach would provide. The family could also have connections with coaches or teachers that allow for added instruction. Siblings can also push individuals to a higher level of performance. For example, having an older brother who plays baseball with a younger sibling will be providing further exposure that can develop their skills. All this additional training and experience can develop a child ahead of the curve, regardless of their birth date. The Other 32% Gladwell’s example of the roster of hockey players on the Medicine Hat team showed that â€Å"seventeen of the twenty-five players on the team† (pg. 23) had the perfect birth month for the sport. He credited their January, February, March and April birthdays for their success. However, that means that eight out of the twenty-five players (32%) on the team were successful, without the benefit of the perfect birth month. This group isn’t the largest percentage of players on the team but it does show that success isn’t based on just one factor. Gladwell’s argument that success stems from hidden advantages and opportunities created by those advantages is true in some cases; successful people are not created from one formula, such as what month their birthday falls. That is just one piece of the picture of success. There are a multitude of factors i. e. ambition, talent and family that play a role in determining why someone is successful and they all need to be encouraged and promoted.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The hour of feeling Essay Example for Free

The hour of feeling Essay Lyrical Ballads has been called a poetic revolution, the true beginning, (In British poetry) of the literary, philosophical and artistic movement known as Romanticism. The Romantics were concerned with feeling. In his preface of the Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth wrote that all good poetry is a spontaneous overflow of feelings The above passage is from Lines written at a small distance form my house whereby the poem very much centres on it is the hour of feeling. In this poem Wordsworth wants his sister to experience the blessed pervasiveness of this one moment which fifty years of reason cannot substitute for, in which he finds himself connected to the earth and mankind through love. I shall use the underlined statement as the definition for the hour of feeling and imminently discuss the success of the poets in accomplishing this in the Lyrical Ballads. The Romantic Movement was a reaction to the classical literature of the Augustan age, which was classic, impersonal and formal, championing rationality as opposed to feelings and used a large number of literary clichi s and overblown phrases. The readers of poetry in the eighteenth century were largely educated men with a classical upbringing who had been conditioned to reflect in verse. The acme of classical elegance would be Thomas Grays An elegy written in a Country Churchyard, it is the reflections of a man seated in a country churchyard, but nothing can conceal the fact that it is a series of solemn thoughts, marshaled in logical sequence and clearly infers a classical restrained background. The poem speaks of emotions but does not convey them. Wordsworth asserted that Poetry is passion: it is the history and science of feelings and that the word passion is derived from a word that signifies suffering. Most of the characters in Lyrical Ballads are suffering. Some characters suffer from the effects of the American and French Wars- Wordsworth stated that The Female Vagrant was in part inspired by watching a fleet prepare to sail to engage the French in 1793. Enclosures and irresolute Poor Laws led to the destitution of many agrarian workers, a situation outlined in The Last of the Flock. A lack of provision for the elderly (Simon Lee), the stigma of unmarried motherhood and the need for penal reform (The convict, The dungeon) all shape the poems. Lyrical Ballads was very much inspired by real events and real people written in a selection of language really used by men making it identifiable and invocative to the readers who share the common plight with the characters in the poem; thus creating a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. Mothers who have lost their children (which was a common phenomenon at the time due to famine and sickness) would respond emotionally to We are Seven and The Thorn; families who have lost their men to war, would sympathize with the female vagrant and to the readers who never experience those plights, they were given a deeper and emotional understanding to the suffering of others. However, the poems were not merely limited to minute observations of suffering, though these were written with an ardent wish to promote the welfare of mankind. The major traits of the Romantic Movement are well-represented by the poems. These include the primacy of feeling over reason (it is the hour of feeling); interest in the power of imagination (I must think, do all I can); the value of the insight of a child (we are Seven, Anecdote for Fathers); and therefore also in the primary adult/child relationship, that with its mother (The Idiot Boy, The Thorn); The value of Nature as a moral guide, healer, and fulfillment (Tintern Abbey, Lines written in Early Spring,The Tables Turned); the goodness of the pastoral contrasted to the corruption of the urban; the developing science of psychology (The Mad Mother, The Complaint); alternative ways of expressing spiritual and religious conviction; life as a journey or process, a state of flux rather than a fixed course ( The Old Man Travelling, Ancyent Marinere) sexual freedom; humanitarian political views ( The Dungeon, The Convict, The Last of the Flock, The Female Vagrant) and an interest in the aesthetic guidelines of painting. The poets were chiefly concerned with bringing back their readers to the Natural State of mind and feeling, uncorrupted by the influences of social vanity; just like children; the child is the father of the man. In his preface, Wordsworth wrote of their choice subject. Humble and rustic life was generally chosen because in that condition: the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain maturity and are less under restraint- our elementary feelings coexist in a state of greater simplicity and, consequently more accurately contemplated and more forcibly communicated; because the manners of rural life germinate from those elementary feelings; and lastly because in that condition, the passions of men are incorporated with the beautiful and permanent forms of nature. Keeping in line with this vision and objective, the poems in Lyrical Ballads was predominantly set in the countryside and rural areas and the language used is simple , the diction plain, almost deceptively so: sturdy he seemed, though he was sad/ And in his arms a lamb he had At night, at morning, and at noon Tis all the same to Harry Gill; Beneath the sun, beneath the moon, His teeth they chatter, chatter still. The diction is doggedly unpoetic by Augustan standards, and the subject matter ordinary to the point of perversity: old men, idiot boys, abandoned village women, unmarried pregnant mothers. There were many who felt that these types of lines were so turgid and ordinary that they had found it hard to believe that Wordsworth wrote it. However Robert Mayo in his essay The Contemporaneity of the Lyrical Ballads opposes this opinion: The real novelty of these poems lies not in the subject matter and forms, but in sheer poetic excellence- in their vastly superior technical mastery, their fullness of thought and intensity of feeling, the air of spontaneity which they breathe, and their attention to significant details which seem to the reader to have been observed for the first time. The well thought out structure of the whole compilation plays a significant role in capturing the hour of feeling. There was a hint in a letter from Coleridge to Cottle that the poems were meant to be taken as a whole: that what was important was their accumulative effect upon the reader. Lyrical Ballads was, he wrote, one work, in kind tho not in degree, as an ode is one work; and our different poems are as different stanzas. Beginning the book with the Ancyent Mariner sets the mood for a journey into wise passiveness, where the reader is invited to feel, contemplate and experience sublimity and imagination. Subsequently the reader is transported into the lives of the characters, where we are exposed to issues we rarely give attention to, like capital punishment, whereby in The Convict, Wordsworth focuses on the fact that no proper restitution can be made by a convict subjected to this harsh punishment. (the fetters that link him to death) He makes the readers realise that prison is an awful place not because it twists a mans soul, but because it is hard to repent in the comfortless vault of disease Cleverly Wordsworth does not have the prisoner speak, allowing him only a questioning look. Were he to speak, it would raise the question whether his crime actually deserved capital punishment or not; instead the poem challenges the whole notion of capital punishment because the convict is kept a mute object for our consideration. The voice crying out for change, the poem suggests, must be the readers, rather than the convicts or the poets. Wordsworth believed that transportation should replace capital punishment (would plant thee where yet though mightst blossom again) and that the only emotion we should feel for the transported convict is compassion. The Last of the Flock too, has a humanitarian purpose. Based on a real incident reported to him by a friend, he uses the tale of a poor shepherd losing his flock to attack the stupidity of the system of poor relief which insisted that a man had to sell all of his property before any financial support could be given to him. He is victimized by social forces beyond his control, his pride and mental health leeched away drop by drop by the stupidity of society. This is seen to damage our human relationships: I loved my children less By not offering any solution to the situation, the poet is inviting readers to come up with their own emotional response. It is up to (the largely middle-class) reader to re-make the world to avoid such distress. Lyrical Ballads is filled with such characters and their sad stories throughout; the perfect ending to these poems would have to be an explosive one to complement the Ancyent Mariner, and indeed Tintern Abbey was not only explosive but reflective and quite personal to the poet. The reader will get a glimpse into the poets heart, to identify with him and be forever marked with the beautiful verses in Tintern Abbey, perhaps even respond to nature just like the poet has hoped for in his readers. Tintern Abbey is Wordsworths most complete expression of his philosophical and poetical viewpoints. The poem is divided to five sections. The first describes the view, offering the reader a chance of sharing his perception of Nature. The second section describes the effect that that perception has on him. The third section recounts his journey (and journeys of all kinds are a running theme in Lyrical Ballads) to his current state of mind. It charts the development of his love of Nature from his earliest boyhood to look on nature, not as in the hour of thoughtless youth, but hearing oftentimes, The still, sad music of humanity. The fourth section is dedicated to his sister who is also his friend, and to the readers, exhorting us to look on Nature as our friend knowing that Nature never did betray the heart that loved her. Nature is personified here. Wordsworth brings the poem and the book to a close with a personal message to all the readers if solitude, or fear, or pain, or grief, should be thy portion, with what healing thoughts of tender joy wilt thou remember me, and these my exhortations! and finally this green pastoral landscape, were to me more dear, both for themselves and for thy sake Early critical reception of The Lyrical Ballads was mostly negative and at times even hostile. Reviewers cited uninteresting subject themes and the prolixity of the Ancyent Marinere, with its archaic style and murky philosophical theme. Francis Jeffrey, one of the chief reviewers for the influential Edinburgh Review, was so offended by Wordsworths flaunting of poetic convention in the Lyrical Ballads that he engaged in a long and vitriolic campaign against what he termed the Lake School of Poetry. While this initial critical response impeded acceptance of the Lyrical Ballads and its authors, acknowledgment did come eventually. Other reviewers praised the earnestness and simplicity of the poems in Lyrical Ballads and their focus on the usually neglected subject of the rural poor. In the latter part of the nineteenth century, Victorian critics demonstrated a special interest in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner as a moral and philosophical puzzle, and Wordsworth and Coleridge already were already figures of pre-eminent English poets, the leaders of the first wave of Romanticism. Robert Southey in his contribution to the Critical Review, October 1799, wrote that of these experimental poems, the most important is The Idiot Boy [a tale] of nearly 500 lines, no tale less deserved the labour that appears to have been bestowed on this. He reflects the general confusion caused by the blending of lyric and ballads The other ballads of this kind are as bald in story, and are not so highly embellished in narration. The Acyent Marinere, Southey notes, claims to be in the style of the elder poets. He confesses he thinks the style is rather original, in a rather pejorative use of the term, although he finds many of the stanzas laboriously beautiful he goes on to add that they are in connection absurd or unintelligible we do not sufficiently understand the story to analyse it. Dr Burneys comment on the Monthly Review is similarly dismissive. He calls the Ancyent Mariner the strangest story of a cock and a bull that we ever saw on paper although, for a rhapsody of unintelligible wildness it does have poetical touches of an exquisite kind However there are poems that Southey likes: The Foster Mothers Tale is in the best style of dramatic narrative and The Dungeon and Lines left upon a Seat are beautiful. The Female Vagrant is also admirable. He goes on to say: The experiment we think has failed, not because the language of conversation is little adapted to the the purpose of poetic pleasure but because it has been tried upon uninteresting subjects. Even so he concludes that the authors rank with the best living poets As for Dr. Burney, he wonders if the Female Vagrant doesnt cast unnecessary and unpatriotic aspersions on the War effort. The Old Man Travelling is criticised for the same, unpatriotic feeling. As for the Last of the Flock Burney concludes that it is a gloomy poem, and that No oppression is pointed out implying that it was the shepherds own fault. Property, and patronizing pity, lies behind these words: moved, but not educated, Burney goes on to add that if the author be a wealthy man, he ought not to have suffered this poor peasant to part with the last of his flock. Likewise, Burney finds The Dungeon pushing candour and tenderness for the criminal to excess, while The Convict misplaced commiseration. He finds The Idiot Boy merely distressing, The Thorn dark, and Tintern Abbey although the reflections of no common mind: poetical, beautiful and philosophical, is nevertheless gloomy. On the whole, he concludes, it would have been better had the poets chosen more elevated subjects and in a more cheerful disposition. It is precisely to the likes of Dr. Burney, that the Romantics were revolting against. The objective of the Lyrical Ballads was precisely to speak about the less elevated and cheerful subjects which are also known as Reality. Doubtless there will be many readers like Dr. Burney who do not feel anything towards the issues raised by the romantics, who would prefer to be fed with cheerful, superficial and restrained classical subjects whereby unnecessary feelings and thoughts will not be provoked. However this should not be mistaken as the general reception. Lyrical Ballads raised issues that was not explicitly discussed especially in the literary sense; because of its aukwardness and strangeness, the immediate reception in the times of the poets was Rejection, understandably so; however this positive change in Literature, thanks to the Romantics, will forever change the course of posterity, who will be free to express their thoughts and ideas against the modes of convention. When reading this collection, the reader is transported to that one moment where he will be connected to earth and mankind through the united feeling of love. However I believe that the Lyrical Ballads will only appeal to those who have a heart that cries out for change. Overall, I believe the poets achieved their objective in capturing the hour of feeling, and sometimes even feelings of strangeness and aukwardness for the likes of Dr. Burney.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Significant is any of Cultural homogenisation to the development of the global tourism and/or hospitality industry?

How Significant is any of Cultural homogenisation to the development of the global tourism and/or hospitality industry? The main aim of this essay is to explore the role of cultural homogenization to the development of the global hospitality and tourism industry in the acceptance of products and consumer behaviour in the different contexts. This essay will start by walk around the common character of consumers demand and consumption following discuss some key issue of perspectives on consumers demand and, more especially consumers attitude. Consumers attitude is habitually view as a by- product of homogenization (Reisinger, 2009). Shopping and expenditure have many circumstances; the resulting consumer mentalities wield a thoughtful impact upon economic activities. Simultaneously, the wide-reaching media also can influence people spending desire. In the globalization viewpoint, the perception of cultural homogenization can be exaggerated (Pieterse, 2009), after all, the global, the national and the local characteristics of social space interlink in different combinations. Indeed, a further dimension i nto the geographical spectrum, cultural homogenisation could increase cultural pluralism (Scholte, 2002). Cultural homogenization comprises the appearance of customer approaches, the uprising of local culture, the collision of elite culture and the impact of modern technology. The key point is to remember that, although a variety of firms have successfully placed themselves globally. But their products and services continue to be consumed by different people in different ways. (Asgary Walle, 2002). It is the view of (Demooij, 2004) that in new global consumers has become increasingly similar in their values and behaviour patterns despite their national cultural characteristics. Global consumers are increasingly eating the same food wearing same brands and watching same TV programs. Another point in favour of (Demooij, 2004) is that the modern world has experienced significant cultural destruction. A high overflow of consumerism has apparently forced cultural levelling from corner to corner in the world via a multitude of global agents such as Coca-Cola, Nike, MTV, Microsoft and McDonald s (Saee, 2004). It can be argued that the process of cultural homogenization and Heterogenization occur simultaneously at difference levels. The homogenization of the consumption patterns occurs at the international level whereas the efforts to maintain cultural uniqueness and distinctness occur more at the regional and local level. Homogenization and globalization have a tendency to be the area of elite, because the affluent and people who are wealthy can manage to pay for the products available in global markets. Wealthy, well cultured and well travelled individuals from diverse backgrounds can easily interact with the fashionable environment by help of the modern technology especially the internet. People from different backgrounds are now able to interact globally as never before. Internet makes the world smaller, more accessible and increases the level of cultural homogeneity. Although the internet does not allow people to fully understand other places and lifestyles, but it does allow people t o access more information than in previous human history. (Asgary, and Walle, 2002); (Reisinger, 2009). The understanding of the world becoming smaller with a growing sensitivity to cultural differences is a part of the general cultural turn, which involves a wider self-reflexivity of modernity. Modernization has been advancing like a steamroller; a fundamental dispute is whether cultural homogenization actually exists or is a fairy story or flashy public speaking. Paul Thomson (1996) criticize it as a globalization rhetoric or global aloney their key arguments is that before 1914 the world economy was more internationalized than at present. The unquestioned cultural hegemony of the west is past. New patterns, fashions, confluences and mixtures are taking shape. Growing relationship between the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and Chime (China, India, and Middle East) are increasingly changing all fact of global trends. An example is the Korean wave in East Asia -the popularity of Korean soap Operas, movies and music which has already peaked. At the same time growing global int erconnectedness directing towards cultural standardization and uniformization as in the sweep of consumerism, an example is the McDonaldization, a short version of this momentum. (Sturges, 2005) (Yeniyurt and Townsend, 2003) The opinion of (Ritzier, 2004) is McDonaldization affects not only the restaurants business but also education, works, leisure, the family and virtually everywhere .it has shown every indication of an unavoidable process, sweeping through the challenging tradition of the world. McDonalds is a global icon of fast food and a symbol of cheap and convenient food. One objection to this argument is that it is not true worldwide. Many countries namely, In Russia, Argentina, as in china people pay high prices for this American ambience visit (Asgary Walle, 2002). It might be said that though McDonaldization process increases the level of cultural homogeneity but put forth a dominating impact upon many other countries societies. However, there is an argument that there is no such thing as a global consumer one cannot distinguish among European, American, or Asian consumers because of the differences in their lifestyles across continents as well as the local regional and national level. For e xample, although there are clear differences between the EU countries, there is also a fundamental disparity in their value systems and lifestyles (Wierengn at all, 1996). A high level of consumption generally believed to be a symbol of the good life. Also global consumer culture detects that people are strongly believe in the unlimited ability and achievements of science and modern technology (Scholte, 2002); (Pieterse, 2009). Tourism is one of the worlds largest multinational economics activities .it involves the greatest flows of goods, services, and people on the surface of the earth, and it is therefore the most visible expression of globalization, Although the role and share of tourism in international trade is rising significantly the rapid speared of information technology has improved the efficiency of the industry operation as well as the quality of services provided to customers .it has also generated increased demand for new travel services (Reisinger, 2009).The development of sophisticated websites has allowed for the direct dissemination of travel information to potential clients. The internet has made travel products globally accessible at much lower cast. As a result customer demand has become more technology and internet -driven. From the post -modernist investigation (Williams, 2002) argues that tourism and hospitality organizations have to forget traditional marketing theory and market se gmentation, instead, they should provide variety, and updating offering, so that people can consume as their wish without reference to a standardized expectation. Example of globalization in the accommodation sectors have included hotel corporation and chain creation, joint venture, franchising, management contracts, and consortia of independent hotels major international hotel groups included intercontinental Hotels (The united Kingdom) Accor (France) and cendant, Marriott, and star wood hotels and resorts (united states )these hotel groups are involved in various countries worldwide (Inter Science Wiley.Com, 2007). For example, Marriott international managing 1300 hotels of different brand world wide with the access to 40 new markets (Scholte (2002); (Reisinger, 2009). Globalization in the retail sector includes partnerships, integration, and franchising Tour operators and travel agencies entered into partnerships and or integrated with hotels, charter airlines, retail distribution and cruise companies. American express developed a range of products in various sectors of the industry. Numerous studies suggest that a global tourist does not exist (Reisinger, 2009). Very different people live in the different countries of the world; they have different culture and behaviour patterns. For example, Asian consumers cannot be clustered in to one group because Japanese differ from, similarly there are differences among European consumers: German consumes differ from French. Because there are these cultural differences among consumers from different countries, the marketing mix also changes to suit the national characteristics. According to Scholte (2002) Globalization is the process of incorporating people into a single world. The world is becoming a global village. Todays, Globalization is not just about modernization or westernization. It is about an amplification of worldwide economic, socio-cultural, political and environmental relations. These relations link distant places in a such a way that what is happening locally is determined by what is happening globally (Saee,2004). Accesses to the knowledge and the knowledge itself have become the important factors determining the standard of living, beyond the labour and capital of production. Knowledge generates new ides, turns them into commercial products and services, and increases revenues and incomes of those who know how to use it. Unfortunately, not all nations and economics can benefit yet from globalization developments in new information technology, and access to knowledge (Houlihan, 1994). Cultural homogenisation is perceived by some as discriminatory and moving against human rights. Critics of globalization claim that globalization brings An increased polarization of the world in favour of the stronger economics Poorer countries become dependent on activities in major economics such as United States. The gap dividing rich and poor nation is rapidly increasing. Rich and powerful nations have capital and technology, poor and power less nations do no have access to capital and information technology (Saee,2004). Some behaviour that the process of globalization has led to a culture heterogenization. Heterogeneity is developed through an increasing emphasis on local cultural elements such as languages, religion tradition food, shared history, or the role of family. However, the method of cultural heterogenisation is restricted, global foreign brands, theme parks, films, and television programs have different meaning and impact in the world. The western cloths, soft drinks, cigarettes, liquor, films and books that flooded eastern and central European countries significantly differed from the ethnic clothing and foods and thus were not always popular on the local markets (Pieterse, 2009). Hybridization is an answer to the cultural differentials of ethnic and nationalist polices because it takes as its point of departure precisely. Hybridization reflects a post-modern sensibility of cutnmix, contravention. It represent in Foucaults term, a resurrection of subjugated knowledge. It also goes under various aliases such as syncretism, realization, message; Global localization and local globalization make, first, an empirical case: that processes of globalization, past and present, can be adequately described as process of hybridization. Terrorist incident in Bali, The war in Iraq, the economic crisis, and the corporate scandal such as Enron, Leman Brothers, has made people anxious about security and survival. Evidence quoted by the impacts of war and terrorism is significant. Between October and November 2002, visitors to bali dropped by 60 percent. in the UK holiday booking were down 20 percent In February 2003 on the previous year, as a consequence British Airways intend ed to discard 13000 jobs by March 2004 (Mullins, 2004). To conclude, the tourism and hospitality industry is people based, this is an industry run by people and for people. The real potential for the tourism and hospitality companies lies in their people. Cultural homogenization process has opened new opportunities for developments in hospitality industry and has facilitated growth in tourism through developments in technology and products. (Peric, 2005). (Demooij, 2004) argued that in global consumers has become increasingly similar in their values and behaviour patterns. (Demooij, 2004) beliefs can be supported that but (Hatch Schultz, 2003)) argue that there is no such thing as a global consumer (Reisinge, 2009) argues are similar to(Richardson,2004) that a global tourist does not exist, different people live in the different countries of the world; they have different culture and behaviour patterns. Richardson, (2004) is certainly correct when he says that consumers behaviour lying on different contexts. The opinion of (Ritzier, 2004) is McDonaldization affects virtually everywhere and has shown every indication of an unavoidable process. It is a global icon and symbol of cheap, convenient food but (Asgary Walle, 2002) argued that, this could be in the United States but not true worldwide. There is no doubt that the process of cultural homogenization has been strengthened by the rise of the internet and other information technologies, companies such as Yahoo , Microsoft , Google , and Motorola have become more important cultural icons like McDonalds and Coca -cola. Finally it can be said that global market is shrinking through globalization and fact that multinational companies are becoming commonplace due to the fundamental reason. Businesses are coming face to face with a multicultural workforce structure in order to obtain competitive advantage. (Dana et al.2008); (Pieterse, 2009); (Reisinger, 2009); (Oliver, 1999) Bibliography Asgary, N. and Walle, H.(2002) The Cultural Impact of Globalisation: Economic Activity and Social Change Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Vol. 9 Issue 3 p58-75, 18p. Dana, L.A., Merz, M.A., and Yi, He. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Inspiration :: essays research papers

Subject: Inspiration Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on Christ. Allow God, to be the only person on your mind while you read this prayer. If we can take the time to read long jokes, stories, etc., we should give the same respect to this prayer. Friends that pray together, stay together. Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness. Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You. Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. Let me continue to see sin through God eyes and acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God. And when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example -- to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. It's the best response w hen I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know You intimately. I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others. I pray for those that don't believe. But I thank you that I believe. I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households.

Robert Oppenheimer :: essays research papers

Robert Oppenheimer To build a bomb capable of destroying entire cities at once they needed a person with a smart, fast and creative brain. That person was Robert Oppenheimer. Robert Oppenheimer was the brilliant scientist behind the development of the atomic bomb. While atomic bombs kill lots of people, the atomic bomb won the war against the Japanese (World War 2). This helped because we would not have stood a chance attacking the main island on foot. While Robert’s name has become synonymous with the atomic bomb there is more to the story than that. J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904. After graduating from Harvard and studying under Ernest Rutherford at Cambridge University, Oppenheimer received his Ph.D. in Germany in 1925. In 1929, he returned to the United States to teach at the University of California Berkeley and at Cal Tech. Upon hearing of discovery of fission in 1939, Oppenheimer immediately grasped the possibility of atomic bombs. In 1941, he was brought into the atomic bomb project and was asked to calculate the critical mass of uranium-235, the amount needed to sustain a chain reaction. The next year he assembled a group of some of the best theoretical physicists in the country to discuss the design of the actual bomb. General Wesley Groves, the army officer in charge of the Manhattan Project, named Oppenheimer the scientific director of the program, and together they decided on Los Alamos, New Mexico, as the site for the nuclear weapons laboratory. Groves Mackenzie2 said of Oppenheimer, "He's a genius. A real genius...Why, Oppenheimer knows about everything. He can talk to you about anything you bring up. Well not exactly. I guess there are a few things he doesn't know about. He doesn't know anything about sports† (necularpages). The staff grew from 30 scientists to 5,000, all trying to finish work on the bomb before the Germans did. On the day of the test, Oppenheimer fully realized the enormity of what he had just accomplished. As he stood watching the mushroom cloud, he recalled later, a phrase from the Baghavad Gita, the Hindu scripture, floated through his mind, "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." This responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, and when he met with President Harry Truman in 1946, he exclaimed, "Mr. President, I have blood on my hands." (necularpages) He set up a research station for the Project at Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Biomass as an Alternative Energy Essay -- Power Global Warming Climate

Biomass Abstract: The current use of energy in the United States, especially California, is foreshadowing catastrophe in our environment. Due to high demand of fossil fuels, the air is filled with more pollution every day. In addition to, it can increase the chances of having global warming. Since fossil fuels are generated from raw materials which are easy and cheap users are becoming extremely dependent on them. The main problem with fossil energy is that the supply of fossil fuels is not continuous. However, alternative energy is continual and harmless to the environment. Biomass does not pollute the atmosphere as much as natural gas. One of the most convenient alternative energies that are currently used for minor purposes is biomass. From the significant results of recent and past use of biomass, it can be considered trustworthy as the main source of energy in the future. Introduction: The energy that we use presently has raised numerous questions, whether or not it would bring us danger. Thus, scientists tried to find new types of energy that we can use in the future that would not increase the chances of having global warming for other environmental crises. Renewable energy has been examined and tested for many years; and, it [has been proven that it is much better than fossil fuels. Types of renewable or alternative energy include wind power, solar power, and geothermal energy (About, Alternative Energy Resources 2007). Particularly, biomass, â€Å"in the energy production industry, refers to living and recently dead biological material which can be used as fuel or for industrial production. Most commonly, biomass refers to plant matter grown for use as biofuel, but it also includes plant or animal matter used for pr... Biomass (2007). EduGreen. Retrieved July 24, 2007, from vvvvvv Biomass (2007). Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 21, 2007, from vvvvvv Biomass Energy Basics (2007). NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Retrieved July 22, 2007, from Biomass Energy Vol.3 (2007). Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. John Wiley & Sons Biomass 9 Ramamurthi, R., Kastury, Satish, & Smith, Wayne H. (2000). BIOENERGY vision for the new millennium. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. Renewable Energy Technologies and their Pros and Cons, Biomass (2007). Loma Prieta. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Racial Formation in the United States Essay

Based on Omi and Winants discussion, we can say that racial formation is an ever changing process in which an individual or a group of people are classified as to what is their social status and classification in the society with reference to the present societal, economic, and political condition. A process that we might probably say since racial formation is shaped and molded with reference to the group’s or individual’s historical background and the current view of the people in general in the current society. As to race, we can identify it as a classification of an individual into a group in which he or she has an appalling similarity; its most common basis is an individual’s physical appearance if not by classifying its country of origin. Racial project and Racist project otherwise are two dealings of which an individual or a group of people in a race are either subjected into racial privileges or discrimination. It is actually quite confusing but the fact remains that there are actions that are imposed in accordance to race of which only certain individuals or groups are given or afflicted, both of which having a negative and positive outcomes individuals and to society. Based on Omi and Winants discussion and examples of racial and racist projects. Are Ethic/ race-based California state university campus organizations Racial or racist projects? If we were to take into account Omi and Winants discussion, we can say that such organizations can be both racial and racist projects. In a way such campus organizations both functions as a protector and, if not intentionally, exploiter of individuals and groups coming from different races. They both promote the welfare of their own race and neglect other existing kinds. So depending on the actions and visions they hold on to and their current racial social status, (being on the advantage or disadvantaged side) it is then we can identify if they are racial or racist projects. Take for example the African Students Organization as cited in the Clubs and Organizations Directory (http://www. csun. edu/getinvolved/clublisting/directory. php, 2008): African Students Organization Seeks to mobilize and foster increased cooperation and coordination among broad coalition of students, international organizations, and individual faculty and staff members committed to the progress of empowerment of Africa and peoples of African ancestry With their initial mission and vision we can actually say that they are a racial project of which they promote and reach out to their fellow African academic colleagues. We can further say it I, because in the current political and social status, they are the ones on the disadvantage side. Hence, those of which has the intention of racial discrimination and prejudice are those we can call as racist projects. REFERENCES: Omi, M. and Winant,H. (NY: Routledge, 1986/1989). Racial Formation in the United states from the 1960s to the 1990s. Retrieve September 12, 2008 from http://aad. english. ucsb. edu/docs/Omi-Winant. html. CSUN-Division of Student Affairs. Clubs and Organizations Directory. Retrieved September 12, 2008 from http://www. csun. edu/getinvolved/clublisting/directory. php.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Human cloning Essay

If in that respect was matchless applied science that the world never accepted, then it amaze out be the re-create of kind-hearteds. Just 30 hours after the hots of a cl matchlessd de liver hit the streets, movements against human racekind re-create already started forming (Pence 1998, p. 1). 90 days after the study, a law against human cloning was already being pushed. People claimed that at that place is no good reason to clone humans, and yet, how nookie this be known when there wasnt enough time to discuss it? When the scientific community did non take down film time to prove its advantages?Most of the arguments against cloning be philosophical in nature. It is not just about scientific facts alone about ethics, human nature and public form _or_ system of government (Pence 1998, p. 3). If we look at human cloning in an objective point of experience we will realize that there argon certain merits to this technology. Certainly, there ar disadvantages too, bu t whether the disadvantages outweigh the advantages is still a dubiety unresolved today. Advantages of valet de chambre Cloning Human cloning becomes a good conniption when we talk about the issue of sterility and herit open illnesses.In an article make by ScienceRay (Whatani 2008), it was mentioned that and half of the commonwealth of females be capable of gestation. Estimates confront that occurrent infertility treatments argon only 10% effective (Benefits of Cloning n. d) therefore, there are many couples who end up acquiring frustrated because of their inability to have children. With human cloning, there is no make for the testis to be fertilized, and there is no get to find a mate, and only one parent is needed to create a child (T to each oneers Domain 2010).Researches show that an average person carries 8 bad genes (Benefits of Cloning n. d). In some cases, these genes are recessive and no symptoms will appear, but there are also instances when the genes are inherited by the children and they become overriding traits. Downs syndrome and Tay Sachs disease are just devil genetic illnesses which shag be inherited if imitation is left to natural means. Though human cloning, parents can choose which genes their children will inherit, thereby allowing them to get rid of the defective genes. other advantage of cloning is that it is now affirmable to create organs which can be used for transplants (The Advantages of Cloning n. d). People with liver and kidney trouble no longer need to wait for a donor to get a transplant. People suffering from leukemia can get cloned marrow. Scientists will be able to produce effective therapy for cystic fibrosis if only they are allowed to test the technology for human cloning. Lastly, cloning will allow medical checkup professionals to understand how cells differentiate and become genus Cancer cells, thereby allowing the creation of a redress for the disease.Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction In sev eral(prenominal) researches conducted (Science Daily 2006 Treisman 1976 Williams and Mitton 1973) it was discovered that inner facts of life allows populations to adapt to their environment better because they are able to resist harmful mutations. Yet, sexually transmitted diseases are already so widespread that sex has become risky. Also, sexual reproduction has its bells wherein the female slabber most of the burden, a situation called as the two-fold costs of sex (Science Daily 2006).In his study, Ricardo Azevedo says that in lay out to overcome the two-fold cost of sex, two things moldiness be dead on target The production rate of harmful mutations mustiness be relatively high, such that each individual acquires on average one or more(prenominal)(prenominal) harmful germline mutations not inherited from its parents. The second is that these harmful mutations must interact in a excess way, called negative epistasis, such that adding more and more harmful mutations makes you progressively worse sullen (Science Daily 2006). This means that in order for genetic illnesses and harmful mutations to become extinct, these two conditions must take place.Needless to say, there are no studies which show how common negative epistasis is in nature, hence the extinction of genetic illnesses and mutations are stringently by chance. With the world becoming even more chaotic because of the discovery of new incurable diseases and the rapidly degrading environment, there is a big possibility that the natural selection of humankind may need to verify with artificial means. With human cloning, it is now manageable to create a healthier, if not a better race of individuals who are more resistant to mutations and have lesser diseases to give out (Phil for Humanity n. d).

Pros & Cons of Television Essay

For whatsoever people, observance idiot box Is an enjoy adequate to(p) way to overlook m. It Is an undemanding activity that passes the metre and in that respect be very few families that put one acrosst declargon at least one telecasting. Since so some people now own a television, there has been a proliferation in the number of channels open and shows to construe, so that you kindle quite easily hazard yourself spending hours in front to the television. Consequently, you whitethorn drop other activities that need doing. Thus, although television may help oneself to ease boredom. Here atomic number 18 also some negative aspects associated with ceremony television. Breaking news shown tucker out out on your TV Global news mesh allows the latest global events to be aired general and beamed directly to your living room. Examples (from top-left, clockwise) include September 1 lath attack, 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia, 2008 HINDI outbreak and 2011 earthquake In Ja pan. Pros of watching television The positive aspects of watching television include that you sustain something to talk to friends and relatives about.There atomic number 18 certain programs which ar to a greater extent popular than there and If you watch them you feel Included and that you have something In common with the people around you. Television cornerstone help to foster a sense of theme identity, since a signifi bunst proportion of the population bequeath be exposed to the same kinds of news programs and television shows, so that people feel that they belong to a wider community. Plus, television can also be edifying and educational, opening peoples eyes up to the world outside.Educational TV programs Educational TV programs provide priceless information that not wholly educate but also pens up your mind. near of these programs teach and educate people on subjects that you may otherwise will not know and are never taught in schools. Non-educational TV programs Howe ver, there are also a lot of television shows that are not very educational, and could even be considered trash. naturalism shows, for Instance, offer nothing of all worth to the audience. to that degree people still tune in. mickle cop hooked on shows which are poorly produced and press mostly on issues of sex and violence.Although here is no conclusive evidence that watching violence on television makes children tofu people would become desensitising to it, and that this could make it easier for children to engage in violent activities. ceremonial occasion too much TV can lead to weight gain, poor social skills and lower donnish results Unsupervised children spending too much of their while in front of a TV can have a big impact on their life. Obesity, lack of social skills and poor academic results are Just some of the effects TV have on children.Some psychologist believe that too much(prenominal) TV time can have a major effect in the psychology of the child. Childre n are suppose to interact and play, not sit and watch. shortsighted parenting and weight gain It is also evident that umteen people spend too much time watching television, so that parents dont bother to spend any time playing or talking with their children. It is removed easier to stick them in front of the television, rather than taking them to the park. It cant be a coincidence that so many people are now lowering when they spend much more time watching television than they would have done years ago. mess seed to be a lot more active, but now television is the most cheery way for individuals to keep themselves occupied. Thus, they burn hardly any calories while most probably consuming an unwarranted amount of calories. Its addictive Even though there are many negative aspects associated with watching television, many people enjoy television far too much to reduce the amount they watch or to avoid watching television altogether. People enjoy not having to think for themselve s and to be able to sit down and watch something that helps them to relax, so wherefore would they change?